My main research fields are: formal and informal education (e.g. extended education), education policy, collaboration in school and leisure activities, leisure-time centers and youth research. I have published a number of academic articles and book chapters on those subjects, as well as advising the government and local authorities on educational issues.
Current project
Implementation of the Prosperity Act in three municipalities in Iceland. The person responsible for the investigation. The research team includes, among others, Oddný Sturludóttir, doctoral student, Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir, professor, and Ragný Þóra Guðjohnsen, associate professor. Two-year grant from Rannis (December 2024-2026)
Purpose and meaning in young people’s lives. Part of the Icelandic Youth Study.
Previous projects
Implementation of a quality framework in leisure centres with Steingerður Kristjánsdóttir, adjunct lecturer. Sponsored by the Research Fund of the University of Iceland.
Play and informal learning in kindergartens, primary schools and leisure centers (2018-2022). Sponsored by the Research Fund of the University of Iceland.
Integration of school and after-school programs for young school children (2013-2017). Sponsored by the Research Fund of the University of Iceland.
Status of leisure centers for 6-9 year-old children in Reykjavík (2009-2012). PhD. scholarship sponsored by Eimskipasjóður.
- Co-editor, International Journal for Research on Extended Education. Budrich Journals, since 2023.
- Founding member of the Global Extended Learning and Youth Development Association in 2024,
- Member of the World Education Research Association IRN- Extended Education since 2017, now the WERA Task Force on Extended Education.
- Founding member of the collaboration network NERA (Nordic Education Research Association) on the learning environment of leisure activities, see the website of the collaboration network
- Founding member of a successful Nordplus project called “Fritidshem/SFO as an addition to the school” together with colleagues from University College Sjælland in Denmark, Mitt University in Sweden and Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania.